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Gifted Assessment

Intellectual giftedness is a term used to describe those children whose cognitive functioning is found to be in the top 2% of the population. Parents have many reasons for seeking an assessment for giftedness.  In some cases, highly able children lose interest in school or experience difficulties that need to be addressed, such as specific learning disorders or emotional difficulties.  At times, gifted children seem to underperform in group testing situations, and parents seek a more accurate understanding of their child’s functioning through individual testing.  An assessment will provide an understanding of the child’s pattern of abilities and will be useful for educational planning and to ensure the child is adequately challenged and supported.

gifted child.  gifted and talented child.

An assessment for giftedness involves:

  • An intellectual assessment.  The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V) is undertaken, which provides information on the child’s cognitive functioning and gives a profile of cognitive strengths and challenges.


  • A functional assessment.  The administration of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III) is undertaken in order to provide an understanding of the child’s functioning in academic areas, including reading, spelling, mathematics and written expression.  This is helpful in identifying areas where the child needs extension, as well as areas where they may need additional support.

  • Additional testing may be done if there is any evidence that the child may be twice-exceptional.  Twice-exceptional children are gifted children who, despite their intellectual strengths, struggle at school due to a learning disability, ADHD, or sensory difficulties. 

The Assessment Process


  • For child or adolescent clients, a thorough history is obtained through a consultation with parents /caregivers.


  • With parental consent, questionnaires will be supplied to school staff / teachers who are often invaluable in providing an understanding of the child's academic, social and emotional functioning in the school environment.


  • Generally, four hours of testing time will be scheduled with the child, usually across one day, with breaks occurring between testing sessions, and as needed throughout the assessment.


  • A feedback session is provided for parents, providing them with an understanding of the child's patterns of strengths and weaknesses, including recommendations.


  • A comprehensive and detailed report is provided which includes the child's profile of results and recommendations for areas where they need acceleration, extension, accommodations and additional support.

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